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Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is the guiding question forthis unit?
  • How can we use technology to address global warming?

What answers do you have for the guiding question?
  • Make videos that many people can see to raise the awareness

What is the Area of Interaction for this unit? Do you think it was a good choice? Why?
  • Environment. It's a good choice because Global Warming effects the environment.

What questions have your research brought up in your mind?
  • What is going to happen to Earth if the Global Warming continues?
  • What are serious problems happening right now?
  • How long is it going to take to completely stop this?

Have you been able to find answers for these questions? What are they?
  • Yes, some.
  1. If the Global Warming continues, some islands might sink because of melting icebergs and rising of the sea level.
  2. There are new diseases showing up.
  3. I'm not sure of this because it will depend on people's reactions.
Have you learned anything that you did not know before?
  • Yes, I learned about some diseases that are caused by the global Warming.
Are you happy with your performance so far? Explain.
  • I think I'm doing fine with my work. I did a lot of researching and I like my story board (for planning the video). Also, I found the window video maker program quite easy to use which made me happier with my works. I hope it will turn out nice because I really had put a lot of efforts in these works.
Comment on your motivation, independence, and general positive attitude, giving examples.
  • I think they were all quite satisfying because I worked hard on the works I did and I tried to work independently, not depending on someone/something. I also think I had a positive attitude doing the project because I found them very interesting in many ways and tried to do my best.
Comment on your safety, coorperation, and respect for others, giving examples.
  • I followed the instructions given, coorperated with my peers when needed(When we can't figure out what to do or give feedbacks and advises to each other) and respected each other in their ideas/decisions about their works or the feedbacks I received.

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