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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Matchbox travel games Research

FOX AND GEESE "FOX AND GEESE ." ??/ 10/ 2003. 1 Apr 2010

  • 5 people are needed to play the game
  • 'Draughts' board is needed to play the game
  • The 'Fox' is only one, but there are four 'Geese'
  • The aim of the 'Fox' is to break through the line of 'Geese' and get to the other end
  • The aim of the 'Geese' is to block 'Fox' from paasing
  • Can move one square at a time, diagonally
  • 'Geese' can only move forwads but, 'Fox' can move both forwards and backwards
How to play

  1. Toss a coin to decide who will be the 'Fox' and who will be the 'Geese'
  2. Sit at opposite ends of the 'Draughts' board
  3. Starting from their respective back lines, the two sides advance towards each other

Rubber Band Rope Jumping
Rong , Chen Qiu . "Rubber Band Rope Jumping." Traditional Children's Games. Topics online magazine. 1 Apr 2010
  • Was only for girls.
  • Can practice jumping skills, develop coordination, and meet lots of friends.
  • Low cost. (Only need some rubber bands. )
  • More than 3 people are needed.

How to play

  1. Two people stand on the opposite side of the rubber band and extend them
  2. One player jumps and stands on one side of the rubber band, carrying the two sides together
  3. Jump and make the two sides to be separated
  4. Jump into the middle of the rubber-band and after that jump outside it
  5. Finish these steps without any mistakes
  6. Start the next level (Four jumping levels, put the rubber band on the: ankle, knee, waist, and under the shoulder)


PICTURE CONSEQUENCES "Picture consequences." ??/ 10/ 2003. 1 Apr 2010

  • Each player needs a sheet of drawing paper and a pencil/pen to draw

How to play

  1. Fold them into three.
  2. On the top section of the sheet the first player draws a head, making sure that the lines of the neck just creep over the bottom of the fold onto the middle section.
  3. The player re-folds the paper so that the head is hidden and hands his sheet to the next player.
  4. Using the neck lines as a guide, the second player draws a body on the middle section, making sure that the-lines of the leg tops just creep onto the bottom section.
  5. The paper is re-folded so that only the bottom section is showing, and passed on to the third player.
  6. The draws the legs.
  7. The picture is completed, with head, body and legs drawn by different people. One by one, the sheets are unfolded to reveal the finished drawings. The method can give some very funny results.


CLUE "CLUE." 1 Apr 2010


an eHow Contributing Writer . "How to Play Clue." eHOW. eHOW - How to do just about everything. 1 Apr 2010

  • The players are to solve the mysteries in the game.
  • This game is for 3-6 players
  • A gameboard, 6 guest movers, 6 Personality Cards, deck of Rumor Cards, deck of Intrigue Cards, clue pad, scandal envelope, 2 dice, 9 weapons and instructions are needed to play the game
  • modern twist: a soiree at a millionaire mogul's mansion turned deadly, and you must find out who is responsible for murdering the host.

How to play

  1. Place each weapons in the rooms randomly
  2. Shuffle each pile of cards and put the top one of each type into the envelope marked "Solution Cards" without looking at them.
  3. Place the envelope on the X in the middle of the board
  4. Roll the die and move your token that number of spaces on the yellow squares. (Pieces may move forward, backward or to the side, but not diagonally)
  5. Make a suggestion of the crime (who did what with what) after entering a room
  6. Prove the questions true or false
  7. Repeat the steps untill you discovers the 3 card inside the envelop
  8. If you make wrong guesses (not a suggestion) you should put the cards back in the envelop and can't move anymore but, you can disaprove others suggestions.

Yut, A Game Played on New Year's Day in Korea

Hye-Mi, Cho. "Yut, A Game Played on New Year's Day in Korea." Traditional Children's Game. Topics online magazine. 1 Apr 2010 + things I knew

  • A traditional game in Korea.
  • Four wooden sticks with two sides (the upside is rounded and the downside is flat), a game board (may also be a paper), and 4 movers for each players
  • The game board looks likean x-shaped square with 7 small circles or points on each sides.
  • This game can be played by both teams and individuals.
  • To win this game, you have to get the most points and arrive at the end point first.
  • Scoring - If the flat side comes up, you get a point. For example, if two flat sides come up, you get two points and if four flat sides come up, you get four points. But, if four rounded sides come up, you get five points.
  • One of the sticks will have a special X on it's flat side and if you get this stick backwards without any other sticks lying upsidedown, you move one backwards.
  • No age limit

How to play

  1. Start from the lower right side point of the game.
  2. One player throws the sticks to the ground.
  3. Go foreward as much as you get the point
  4. The person/team who gets all 4 out of the board wins the game

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you described games 1 and 2 above. #3 was good too, but you forgot the URL. For the last two, make sure to describe the games IN YOUR OWN WORDS> very important!

